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Blended Learning: The Benefits of a Flipped Classroom

Blended and online-learning have changed the traditional classroom. But what are the benefits of flipped classrooms? Find out everything you need to know below!

Jeanne Aimerie by:Jeanne Aimerie on: April 26, 2023

Blended and online learning have changed the traditional classroom, using a combination of face-to-face interactions mixed with independent at-home study via technology. The flipped classroom model has many advantages for students who can be introduced to content at home, and for teachers who can help students continue to work through it at school. But what are the benefits of flipped classrooms? Find out everything you need to know below!

What is the flipped classroom method?

A flipped classroom involves a transmission of knowledge that begins outside the classroom, in the comfort of the students’ homes via video learning. Class time can then be used for more engaging and interactive exercises for the completion of both pre-class and/or post-class learning activities.

Flipped classroom vs Traditional classroom

The flipped classroom inverts the traditional learning experience and enhances it using accessible technology.

Traditional classroom is a teacher-centred model

  • Teacher leads the lesson as the central focus of attention and the primary provider of information for the duration of the class.
  • Students receive at-home tasks involving reading from textbooks or practising concepts by working on problem sets.

Flipped classroom is a learner-centred model

  • Students are regularly introduced to new topics outside the classroom.
  • Class time is dedicated to collaborative working and applying learned concepts.
  • Creates meaningful learning opportunities for both the teacher and the students.

Flipped learning is active education

The short and long-term benefits of flipped learning are numerous. It is a student-centred teaching model which ensures lessons are primarily aimed at contributing to the student's overall success in obtaining a proper, effective education which is both active and engaging.

As a more application-based approach, students can practice and apply themselves more successfully in all forms of learning. Whether it be oral, listening, hands on, or problem solving, etc., students feel encouraged to understand the underlying rationale behind the information provided whilst learning at their own pace.

For example, any questions raised during a student’s video learning session at home, can serve as raw materials for school activities such as class discussions. The classroom becomes an active learning environment where collaboration is increased. Students are more likely to remain focused, and it also helps students avoid ‘cramming’ for exams, or losing any information retained post-examination.

This is because students are more accountable and conscious of their responsibility to learn the foundational information provided, as their personal work and contribution will be reflected in the grade that they receive at the end of their course.

Limitations of flipped learning

Technology can either create or exacerbate a digital divide, as some students may have limited access to a computer and/or the internet. This may isolate them from other students who don’t have the same issues.
Flipped learning is largely dependent on student participation, with no foolproof way to guarantee students will cooperate with the flipped classroom model. And even if classroom and face-to-face time is not reduced, time in front of screens is increased.

Using flipped learning technology

Technology is central for facilitating and making flipped learning effective for teachers and students alike.

Create & edit: video tools for flipped classrooms

In order for learning material to be available to students at home, there are a few essentials. The use of a screen and video recorder including recording software such as the WebStudio by UbiCast, Quicktime, OBS, Camtasia or Loom will allow you to record a computer screen.

The use of a video editor, either iMovie, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, or Smart Rush, will help to make the lesson accessible and more engaging for students.

Hardware must-haves!

Choosing the right equipment is important to create quality videos.
To make the process of making a video easier and more presentable, you’ll need:

  • an external microphone
  • a tripod
  • a smartphone or an SLR camera
  • a phone clip
  • a clean backdrop
  • a ring or 3 point lighting (key light, secondary light and backlight)

LMS – learning management systems

You don’t need to be a technological expert to embrace the flipped classroom model. You’ll have access to a software-based or SaaS platform that supports the administration, automation, and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs.

The technology enables asynchronous discussions and student collaboration in a virtual learning environment, so you can focus more on learning content and students’ progress.

As technology becomes an ever-increasing aspect of our everyday lives, the flipped classroom model is gaining favour within schools, universities, and numerous other academic environments.

With the blended learning and flipped classroom method, students have the opportunity to develop independent learning skills, build a deeper understanding of topics, learn at their own pace, and catch up more easily after an absence. And teachers can spend less time lecturing, and more time implementing collaborative in-class activities designed to discuss course materials and practice. Not to mention that they also make better use of their expertise and skills by helping to develop students’ understanding of subject matter. It’s a win-win for all!

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