AI and Video: What Are the Benefits for Teaching?

The world evolves tremendously fast, driven by technological progress that reshapes our everyday lives. Artificial intelligence (AI) has now become an essential lever in many sectors, and the world of education is no exception. And yet, these evoluti...

Online Educa Berlin 2024: 1, 3, 10, 30!

by:Jenny Méité on: December 20, 2024

Online Educa Berlin 2024: 1, 3, 10, 30!

This year marked the very first participation of my colleague Bérénice Grossir at Online Educa Berlin (OEB), my third, U...

360° Video in Education: Enhancing Teaching and Learning

Today, it's more essential than ever to diversify teaching methods to keep learners engaged and avoid boring them with o...

CEO New Year Message: Make it Digital & Interactive!

A new year has arrived and it is now time for you to address your teams in the best possible way! Why not use video to d...

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