My Top 3 Key Insights from Our UbiThinkTank Event

At the end of November, for the second year in a row, we were honoured to host a UbiThinkTank event that gathered our top International Customers at UbiCast HQ, in Paris. This has been a very good opportunity to introduce our roadmap for the upcoming...

Vision CEO: Right on Time !

Jean-Marie Cognet by:Jean-Marie Cognet on: January 9, 2020

85% of the jobs of 2030 do not exist today: this figure is quoted in many articles, in all the talks that I could attend recently and which comes from a joint report from Dell and the Institute for the Future, a California based think tank. Somehow this does not surprise me, even if it is shocking information. We then realize the reality of the times we live in. As the recent bad weather in the South of France reminded, climate change is not a dystopian threat that we will never experience in our lifetime. 2030, it’s tomorrow …

It does not surprise me either because the tools we work with are evolving at a tremendous speed, the people we work with as well as the arrival of young graduates every year and the competences adapt to change …

The impact for the world of training is immense because we have a crucial role to play: helping organizations adapt or wither away there won’t be a grey area.

At UbiCast, what we observe is that the “training times” are no longer appointments in our agendas booked 6 months in advance, where we will settle in a room and listen a trainer talk at us for 3 days. The “time to train” today is similar to what we do in our private lives: it’s instant, it’s available, it’s right on time.

And all this is the way it should be since the tools on which we must rely in our professional lives are in perpetual evolution to give us what we need from them when we need it. Today if I can not find the way to correctly use my ERP or my CRM after its last update, it is not a pdf of 200 pages with screenshots where I will find the answers, but an easy to find video tutorial that is just 2 clicks or 2 keywords away, if I need it.

This is the main advantage of video, and moreover, state of the art “smart” video platforms that can index content to facilitate their searchability and contextualize the material according to the needs of the viewer.

In a context where Digital Learning is becoming more and more important, I believe we shouldn’t oppose the traditional linearized, scripted courses around a series of pedagogical grains,but complement them with an open access video database. Because it is the combination of the two methods that will give learners the best results in terms of retention: I choose to train myself in depth on a dedicated time to follow certain courses but I also access micro content around that material whenever I need to, right on time.

The icing on the cake, is that all this content is available at the tip of my fingers, I access it from any of my devices and not only my smartphone or my computer but from one and the other depending on where I am.

At UbiCast, we try to put smart video at the service of learner success, whatever this may be. So if your goal was to find how to make a macro in Excel and we made it possible for you to find the sequence of 30 seconds of video that responds to that problem in less than 2 minutes, everyone wins: the employee and his company because no one wasted time.

The key process here is indexing video content: we do text and audio today, image what we’ll be able to index tomorrow.

Finally, we strive to put the human factor at the center of all its digital content by promoting peer-to-peer learning and social interaction around the media, to always gain in efficiency and content retention!





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