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At the end of November, for the second year in a row, we were honoured to host a UbiThinkTank event that gathered our top International Customers at UbiCast HQ, in Paris. This has been a very good opportunity to introduce our roadmap for the upcoming...

An interview with Jamespot: how to use video to animate a Corporate Social Network?

Laura Schmitz by:Laura Schmitz on: October 7, 2018

A corporate social network is an online platform available to all employees of a company. This virtual place offers to everyone the opportunity to share their knowledge and communicate with their teams instantly.

This collaborative tool is increasingly used by companies to promote access to information but also to engage employees. A collaborative platform improves overall cohesion and internal communication. Today video is one of the most effective ways to communicate via this channel for several reasons: it’s easy, fast, interactive and above all engaging!

We interviewed Julie Petignat, Customer Experience Manager at Jamespot, the French corporate social network.

Jamespot, le reseau social des entreprises

Can you present Jamespot?

Since 2005, Jamespot has been promotig a collaborative platform solution that meets communication, collaboration and business needs (engagement, innovation, shared intelligence, etc.). With a catalog of over 80 applications and modules that can be activated in just a few clicks, the Jamespot solution is deployed to 200 customers and more than 100,000 users. With the aim of helping its users to take control of the solution, Jamespot launched its Jamespot Academy, based on the UbiCast solution.

To what needs did the interactive video answer?

With the Jamespot Academy we have completely redesigned the training offer for our users this year, noting the need for a more flexible training, adapted to the constraints of each one. Thanks to Ubiast, we can enrich our videos continuously and allow our users to go further at their own pace. For example, an administrator training video includes the manuals dedicated to certain functions at the time they are presented. Free to the user to go further or not according to their needs. It must also be emphasized that this also brings information synchronously and automatically, the right moment for the user, that is to say the precise moment when he approaches a subject while watching the video.

Have you noticed more commitments from users? If so, in what forms?

We launched the Jamespot Academy not so long ago, we are still a little behind but we have already had very positive feedback from users. These are new modes of learning that give more autonomy and allow to widely disseminate knowledge, for us it is precisely to have less interaction … support!

How can videos engage CSR users?

Video is emotionally appealing, which makes it really essential for creating engagement, including in professional networks. The other aspect is that it brings practical information, which is very valuable, for example in the case of a network of mutual support as we have many at Jamespot. It should be noted that with UbiCast video hosting is done on a server located in France, without commercial and totally private mode if desired. This is an important dimension for many of our customers.

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