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The importance of collaboration in MOOCs

Laura Schmitz by:Laura Schmitz on: June 26, 2019

Whether it is in higher education, in the associative or corporate world, MOOCs are today an integral part of the digital transformation and revolutionizes educational activities.

As we saw in a previous article, the place of interaction is central today in learning and especially in online learning. In this context, MOOCs can be a powerful tool in a Digital Learning strategy, at one condition, that it remains engaging with its audience.

We all want to be part of a group, be it a neighborhood, a family or a community.

It’s no secret that we naturally want to connect. And science proves it! Many studies show that our needs and desires to connect have helped us evolve and survive in the course of history. The means to connect have multiplied with the appearance of digital communication tools. Now the community aspect also exists online.

A little reminder: what is a MOOC

The acronym MOOC means “Massive Open Online Course” it is an online training open to all. There are several types of MOOCs, those created by professional experts or trainers for professional purposes, and those created by faculty to introduce or supplement academic disciplines.

Creating videos for online courses is possible today without technical expertise or acting talent. There are simple solutions to independently create professional-quality video content. The MOOC is an excellent way to rethink the structure of pedagogical program. The video content can then be used for other digital pedagogical purposes such as the inverted class.

And the SPOCs?

Or “Small Private Online Courses” are exclusively online programs for small, specialized learner populations whose content is more targeted than MOOCs. Simplification work will therefore be much less than for a MOOC. Learners here are more motivated, knowledgeable about the main subject and want to deepen their knowledge. The same video means as for MOOCs will be perfect.

Why integrate Social Learning into a MOOC?

We know that a learner will remember:

  • 50% of what he sees,
  • 70% of what he can share with others,
  • 80% of what he can experiment,
  • 95% of what he teaches to someone else.

Source : “Every student can succeed” William Glasser – Psychiatre

Learners say they feel lonely when they take online classes without human intervention in the videos. This potential problem is magnified in MOOCs where there are hundreds, if not thousands, of learners. Here, the most effective solution to this problem is collaboration. Many “Social Learning” tools exist to ensure collaboration between learners and not to lose their proximity to teachers / trainers.

 Offer the opportunity to the audience to communicate with each other through comments, to enrich the content by adding a link or attachment, to report a problem or misunderstanding … these are all ways to make learning collaborative and thus create a community. Learners will have more enthusiasm to join a study area where they feel accompanied and involved.

What tools to bring a social dimension to MOOCs?

How to integrate advanced social learning in its content? Digital tools that integrate into your existing platforms (LMS, website …) exist.

Discover the MediaServer, the intelligent video platform with advanced Social Learning features. In particular, many Social Learning tools are possible with UbiCast to ensure collaboration between learners and help them to better anchor knowledge:

Forums integrated in the videos

 Learners can exchange, testify or ask questions related to a specific moment in the video.

The WebStudio

Attachments, external links, and other external resources can be added by the audience to complement or update eLearning content.

Integration of links and files

Attachments, external links, and other external resources can be added by the audience to complement or update eLearning content.

Make sharing easy

Make the content shareable by link, by download, by social networks … it contributes massively to the diffusion of knowledge.

An adaptive tool

We know that you already have tools and platforms in your institutions, and the idea is not to multiply the media and add a layer. Your web TV will obviously be able to integrate into your existing tools LMS, ENT or your website directly.

The example of Cécile Dejoux: the most followed professional MOOC in France


Cécile Dejoux, the most followed moceuse in France recorded her Mooc in the StudioRoom and hosted the video on the MediaServer to exploit the interactivity of the player and allow some 145000 mockers to interact, share their experiences and ask questions.

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