My Top 3 Key Insights from Our UbiThinkTank Event

At the end of November, for the second year in a row, we were honoured to host a UbiThinkTank event that gathered our top International Customers at UbiCast HQ, in Paris. This has been a very good opportunity to introduce our roadmap for the upcoming...

10 tips for impacting slides to upgrade your video presentation

Laura Schmitz by:Laura Schmitz on: May 5, 2017

Want to record a training video, an eLearning module or to communicate in video on an important topic? Your content is ready but now you have to make the slides that will illustrate your words. This is a very important step, impacting slides will ink the information more effectively in the minds of your audience. This is why it is essential to have a good presentation support for your video.

Researchers in cognitive psychology tell us that generally we retain 20% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 10% of what we read. Visualization is therefore a factor not to be neglected in the learning process. Here 10 tips to create a clear and attractive presentation. Your speech will be more balanced and impacting.

  • Present one idea per slide: Adding slides does not necessarily mean that your video will last longer. Do not be afraid to add visuals, the rule is to limit yourself to one idea / point per slide to not disperse or even lose the attention of your audience. And for greater impact, it is better to write short texts, or only keywords that will emphasize your oral speech.
  • Stay minimalist: As for the pictures on your slides, it is better to have one single striking illustration. Your learners will be easily attracted to the point you want to show them.
  • Use images rather than words: On your slides, prefer images to text. Drawings, graphs, illustrations, diagrams … These are all options that will allow you to give weight to your speech without drowning your audience in too many texts.
  • List information: To communicate more than one information at a time, the ideal is to list them point by point. In general, you should avoid stunning your learners with large blocks of text and long sentences. Use the right colors and font sizes: Use a plain bottom to stay homogenous and to avoid headaches. The font will preferably be a color very contrasted with the background in order to ensure the readability of the text. As for size, do not hesitate to enlarge your titles, and if necessary increase the size of the font of the rest of the text, the important here is that it is your presentation to be readable effortlessly.
  • Pitfalls to avoid: It seems attractive at first, but you should avoid using background images on your presentation. These can make your information not readable.
  • Prefer short format: In front of a video, the level of concentration drops dramatically after 10 minutes. Limit, if possible, your presentation to a maximum of 20 minutes to ensure that the set will be viewed.
  • Be proud of your work: Be confident about your work. Rethink your presentation until you are proud of it. It will then be your best ally to support your speech and add a real value to your video.
  • Know your audience: You know your subject by heart? This is a great start. But what do you know about your learners? Learn about their learning habits and motivations in order to adapt your speech and presentation slides. Your video will be all the more effective.
  • Tell a story: If your slides are an excellent tool to illustrate and convey knowledge, it is you who communicate about your topic the best. An enthusiastic and lively voice is essential: after all, we all love to listen to stories.
Vous avez toutes les clés en mains pour créer une présentation qui captivera votre audience !

A vous de jouer maintenant 🙂

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